1. tractors, aircraft, helicopters, trailers, rail cars, parts of aircraft, machineryaerospace-, plastic products, metal products -iron, copper-, chemical products, medical instruments, household appliances, wood and paper products, corn, soybeans, wheat, malt, barley, frozen fruits, rye, concentrated milk , vegetables, tomatoes, tropical fruits, frozen vegetables, coffee, onions, cabbages, cucumbers, melons, grapes, lettuce, bananas, pepper, cut flowers, avocado, papaya, mango, lime and lemon, foliage, peanuts, nuts, processed cereals, potatoes, sorghum, tomatoes, fruit juices, rice, apples and pears, frozen fruits, jellies, jams and pur�es, pork and poultry, beef, whey, eggs, dairy products, horses, butter, bovine, crustaceans, fish fillets, frozen vegetables, vinegar, tobacco, pasta, cocoa -agri-foods, fabrics, glass and ceramic articles;Specifically for Mexico are the following sectors: Crude oil, refined oil and gas -energy -spare parts automotive and automotive -automotive, delivery trucks,2014
2. M�xico 2030 ante la cuarta revoluci�n industrial: propuestas para la productividad, el crecimiento y la inclusi�n social;Alvarez-Medina Y Carrillo;Restructuring of the Automotive Industry in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Region from,2007
3. The Evolvement of International Business Education