1. The Effects of Derivatives on Firm Risk and Value;S Bartram;Journal of , but statistically insignificant. Notably, the coefficient on Fin. Distress � Post-2005 remains positive,2011
2. We Need Silence to Find Out What We Think
3. Energy Information Administration website, RM is the daily CRSP value-weighted index return, and SMB, HML, and MOM are the small minus big, high minus low, and momentum daily factor returns, respectively, from increases;Following Tufano;we estimate yearly jet fuel exposures for the airlines in our sample from the following model: Ri,t = ai + b1i Rjetfuel,t + b2i RM + b3i SMB+ b4i HML + b5 MOM + et, where Ri,t are daily returns on stock i, Rjetfuel,1998