1. which is to harmonize with the efforts of UNCITRAL and INSOL -(www.worldbank.org) ? International Bar Association Concordat ? International Insolvency Institute provides many examples of protocols, which can be used as templates to be modified for your particular case including protocols between common and civil law jurisdictions. ( www.iiiglobal.org) ? American Law Institute NAFTA project guidelines applicable to court-to-court communications in cross-border cases. These were developed by lawyers, academics and judges from Mexico, a civil code jurisdiction and the United States and Canada, two common law jurisdictions. ( www.ali.org) these guidelines which may be modified as necessary or desirable, provide an absolutely pristine neutral way for the courts to communicate to ensure that the judges and the participants know the status of the case and where it is going. 12 languages. ICC ? In;Cross-Border insolvency Issues ? Guidelines Applicable to Court-to-Court Communications in Cross-Border Cases, being the guidelines adopted by the American Law Institute in Washington in 2000. ? Networking through the judicial colloquia,2004
2. ? "The supreme administrative courts and the regulation of the quantity and duration of the procedures". ? 11th colloquium in Lisbon from 17th to 19th May 1988: ? "The execution of the individual administrative decisions and the intervention of the courts in the execution of the decisions". ? 10th colloquium in Athens from 14th to 17th May 1986: ? "The judicial review of the validity of secondary legislation by the administrative judge". ? 9th colloquium in Dublin from 16th to 19th May 1984: ? "The right to be heard before administrative tribunals and judges". ? 8th colloquium in Copenhagen from 12h to 15th May 1982: ? "The concept of interest in administrative litigation (personal interest, collective interest, actio popularis) especially in environmental matters". ? 7th colloquium in London from 28th to 31st May 1980: ? "The power of the Courts -both superior and inferior Courts and of bodies exercising quasijudicial functions -to award damages in administrative actions". ? 6th colloquium in Luxembourg from 27th to 29th April 1978: ? "The scope and results of the annulment of an administrative act by the judge. A particular question arises: how can the new act be drawn up when the rule of law or the actual situation has changed;Consequences of incompatibility with EC law for final administrative decisions and final judgments of administrative courts in the Member States". ? 20th colloquium in Leipzig from 29th to 30th,1990
3. VII. Congressional Government