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2. Accord Entre l'Union Economique Belgo-Luxembourgeoise et la R�publique du Paraguay Concernant l'Encouragement et la Protection R�ciproques Des Investissements [Agreement Between the Belgo-Luxembourg Economic Union and the Republic of Paraguay on the Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments;Republic of Nicaragua, on the other Hand, on the Reciprocal Promotion and Protection of Investments,1992
3. Acuerdo Entre el Gobierno de la Rep�blica Bolivariana de Venezuela y el Gobierno de la Federaci�n de Rusia Sobre la Promoci�n y Protecci�n Rec�proca de Inversiones [Agreement Between the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Government of the Russian Federation About the Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments;P R C Guy;Agreement Between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Guyana on the Promotion and Protection of Investments,2002
4. The Australia -United States Free Trade Agreement is a recent example of an Agreement that does not foresee the current application of any investor-state dispute settlement mechanisms;CURRENT ISSUES BRIEF,2003