1. Why is recycled (vs. fresh) content less engaging for users? Research suggests that a desire to consume content signals a gap between what users know and what they want to know;Novicevic Harvey;Loewenstein,1994
2. Empirical evidence in marketing also attests to this line of reasoning. For example, Bruce, Murthi, and Rao (2017) find that the novelty of blank display ads increases users' curiosity, making them click on such ads. Teixeira, Wedel, and Pieters (2012) show that when users are surprised;Reimann Wiggin;feeling (Kupor and Tormala,1996
3. Bad is Stronger than Good;R F Baumeister;Review of General Psychology,2001
4. What Makes Online Content Viral;J Berger;Journal of Marketing Research,2012