1. Education Pathways to Reengagement; (10) Supporting Aboriginal communities education initiatives; (11) Good practice and cross agency linkages; and (12) Support for families in the early years;Strengthen Interagency Links,2006
2. a A break in the series occurred in 2001 as a result of re-design of the Labour Force Survey, but this should not have appreciably affected the measure above;Labour Force Survey,2006
3. a A break in the series occurred in 2001 as a result of re-design of the Labour Force Survey, but this should not have appreciably affected the measure above;Labour Force Survey,2003
4. Kalb and Scutella (2003) or similar wage equations to infer productivities of 'outsiders' were they to get jobs, with opposing biases;There are three potential problems in using Breusch and Gray,2004