1. and Th�ringen) and national administrators as well as Commission officials from DG XVI and DG V and from various business and trade union associations. In the following I list only those interviews-in anonymous formfrom which material has been directly quoted in the text. Interview 1, senior official, DG XVI, Brussels, 14.4.1997. Interview 2, official, Federal Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs, Bonn, 30.9;German L�nder;Interview partners have been regional,1997
2. Environments of Organizations;Howard E Aldrich;Annual Review of Sociology,1976
3. Cohesion and Structural Funds;David Allen;Policy-Making in the European Union,2000
4. Cohesion and Structural Adjustment;David Allen;Policy-Making in the European Union,1996
5. The Extended Gatekeeper: Central Government and the Implementation of EC Regional Policy in the UK;Ian Bache;Journal of European Public Policy,1999