Redistribution Adjusts Efficiency in Economy; Islamic Paradigm


Widiyanti Dwi Retno1ORCID


1. University of Brawijaya, MT Haryono 165, 65145, Malang, Indonesia


Objective - Islam regulates distribution also redistribution of wealth, and how this concept break away the inefficiency of economic activity.The concept of redistribution has always been a debate in every microeconomics discussion in various areas, such as its mechanism, its implementation and also its effect on the efficiency of economies. This research is trying to examine how the concept of redistribution benefits the efficiency in economy through partial equilibrium analysis. The literature on the concept of Islamic paradigm and the positive paradigm are managed to produce a comprehensive study. Methodology/Technique - – This study was conducted using research methods of literature studies, both of textbooks and handbooks in the same fields of studies. The simulation case applied on thezakat implementation in adjusting new equilibrium of supply and demand, and also on taxation and subsidy to get the comparison view. Findings - Architecture Design Studio based learning in a Technical Study module, students were able to enhance their critical thinking skills based on the scientific approach. Overall, it allowed for the development of the student's discipline-specific knowledge, gaining new knowledge and skills to simulate using digital tool and enhance their analytical skills. Novelty – Interestingly, zakat implementation will not lead to inefficiency in the economy, because the shifts of demand and supply curve result the larger amount of quantity of product in the same price level.Taxation and subsidy mechanism will lead to inefficiency in the economy, because the shifts of supply and demand curve result the smaller amount of quantity of product at the highest level of price. Type of Paper - Conceptual Keywords: Efficiency, Distribution, Islamic economic, Redistribution.


Global Academy of Training and Research (GATR) Enterprise

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