Faktor-Faktor yang Memengaruhi Permintaan Impor Ikan Hias Indonesia di Negara Importir Utama


Shahputeri Grisheila Nadya,Nurmalina Rita


Indonesia is one of the world's ornamental fish exporting countries. Demand for Indonesian ornamental fish from major importing countries such as United States, China and Singapore. In terms of meeting the demand of the ornamental fish market in importing country, Indonesia is still inferior to other countries such as Philippines. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that influence demand volume of Indonesian ornamental fish imports in United States, China and Singapore. The time period used was from 2000 to 2018. Data sources were taken from UN Comtrade and World Bank. The research method used is descriptive analysis and quantitative analysis using Ordinary Least Square. The results of this study indicate the volume of important demand for Indonesian ornamental fish in United States and Singapore has a negative trend while in Chinese market it has a positive trend. Then factors that influence the demand for Indonesian ornamental fish in United States are price of imported Indonesian ornamental fish, price of imported competence, and exchange rate of the rupiah against the US dollar. In Chinese market, this is influenced by price of Indonesian ornamental fish and the exchange rate of the rupiah against the yuan. While in the Singapore market this is influenced by price of Indonesian ornamental fish.


Institut Pertanian Bogor


General Medicine

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