1. The Heart HospitalWestmoreland Street, London W1 8PG, UK
Summary Objective To discover whether applicants regard structures interviews as a fair method of selection for jobs. Design Audit study of short-listed candidates for postgraduate specialty training programmes in the London Deanery. Setting Postgraduate applications for the London Deanery. Main outcome measures Satisfaction or otherwise with the application and selection process for postgraduate specialty training programmes amongst short-listed candidates in the London Deanery. Questions were asked under five categories: the applicant, the advertisement, the application form, the short-listing process, and the interview. Results 89 of 118 forms were completed and analysed. Candidates thought the advertisement was clear on who to contact (97%), when short-listed candidates would be notified of their interview (66%) and when interviews would occur (93%). The design of the application form and the short-listing process both scored a median of 1 or 2 (strongly agree or agree) on all points. The interview process itself also scored well, with most candidates scoring broadly positively. Conclusions As in the previous study, the overall response was broadly a positive one from the candidates' perspective, with the majority of candidates finding the system fair and objective.
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