The kinematics and mechanism of prey capture in the African pig-nosed frog (Hemisus marmoratum): description of a radically divergent anuran tongue.


Ritter D1,Nishikawa K1


1. Department of Biological Sciences, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff 86011-5640, USA.


High-speed videography and muscle denervation experiments were used to quantify the feeding kinematics of Hemisus marmoratum and to test hypotheses of muscle function. The feeding behavior of H. marmoratum, which feeds on ants and termites, differs radically from that of other frogs that have been studied. During feeding in H. marmoratum, the tongue 'telescopes' straight out of the mouth, as opposed to the 'flipping' tongue trajectory observed in most other frogs. At the time of prey contact, two lateral lobes of tissue at the tongue tip envelop the prey. These lateral lobes are capable of applying significant pulling forces to the prey and the tongue is, therefore, described as prehensile. The trajectory of the tongue can be adjusted throughout protraction so that the frog can 'aim' its tongue in all three dimensions; distance, azimuth and elevation. Bilateral denervation of the genioglossus muscles results in a complete lack of tongue protraction, indicating that the genioglossus muscle is the main tongue protractor in H. marmoratum, as in other frogs. Thus, H. marmoratum provides strong evidence of functional conservatism of the genioglossus muscle within anurans. Bilateral denervation of the hyoglossus muscle indicates that although the hyoglossus is involved in several aspects of normal tongue retraction, including the prehensile capability of the tongue tip, it is not necessary for tongue retraction. Unilateral denervation of the genioglossus muscle causes significant deviation of the tongue towards the denervated side, providing evidence for a mechanism of lateral tongue aiming. On the basis of the kinematics of prey capture, the anatomy of the tongue and the results of the denervation experiments, we propose that H. marmoratum uses a hydraulic mechanism to protract its tongue.


The Company of Biologists


Insect Science,Molecular Biology,Animal Science and Zoology,Aquatic Science,Physiology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics







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