Shh promotes direct interactions between epidermal cells and osteoblast progenitors to shape regenerated zebrafish bone


Armstrong Benjamin E.12,Henner Astra1,Stewart Scott1,Stankunas Kryn13ORCID


1. Institute of Molecular Biology, University of Oregon, 297A Klamath Hall, 1370 Franklin Blvd, Eugene, OR 97403, USA

2. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Oregon, 297A Klamath Hall, 1370 Franklin Blvd, Eugene, OR 97403, USA

3. Department of Biology, University of Oregon, 297A Klamath Hall, 1370 Franklin Blvd, Eugene, OR 97403, USA


Zebrafish innately regenerate amputated fins by mechanisms that expand and precisely position injury-induced progenitor cells to re-form tissue of the original size and pattern. For example, cell signaling networks direct osteoblast progenitors (pObs) to rebuild thin cylindrical bony rays with a stereotypical branched morphology. Hedgehog/Smoothened (Hh/Smo) signaling has been variably proposed to stimulate overall fin regenerative outgrowth or promote ray branching. Using a photoconvertible patched2 reporter, we resolve active Hh/Smo output to a narrow distal regenerate zone comprising pObs and adjacent motile basal epidermal cells. This Hh/Smo activity is driven by epidermal Sonic hedgehog a (Shha) rather than Ob-derived Indian hedgehog a (Ihha), which nevertheless functions atypically to support bone maturation. Using BMS-833923, a uniquely effective Smo inhibitor, and high-resolution imaging, we show that Shha/Smo is functionally dedicated to ray branching during fin regeneration. Hh/Smo activation enables transiently divided clusters of Shha-expressing epidermis to escort pObs into similarly split groups. This co-movement likely depends on epidermal cellular protrusions that directly contact pObs only where an otherwise occluding basement membrane remains incompletely assembled. Progressively separated pObs pools then continue regenerating independently to collectively re-form a now branched skeletal structure.


National Institutes of Health

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases


The Company of Biologists


Developmental Biology,Molecular Biology







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