Drosophila Yemanuclein is a cohesin and synaptonemal complex associated protein


Meyer Régis E.,Algazeery Ahmed,Capri Michèle,Brazier Hélène,Ferry Christine,Aït-Ahmed Ounissa


Meiosis is characterized by two chromosome segregation rounds (Meiosis I and II), which follow a single round of DNA replication, resulting in haploid genome formation. Chromosome reduction occurs at meiosis I. It relies on key structures, such as chiasma, which is formed by repair between homologous chromatids of a double-strand break (DSB) in one of them; to function for segregation of homologues chiasma in turn relies on maintenance of sister chromatid cohesion. In most species, chiasma formation requires the prior synapsis of homologous chromosome axes, which is signaled by the Synaptonemal Complex (SC), a tripartite proteinaceous structure specific to prophase I of meiosis. Yemanuclein (YEM) is a maternal factor that is crucial for sexual reproduction. It is required in the zygote for chromatin assembly of the male pronucleus as a histone H3.3 chaperone in complex with HIRA. We report here YEM association to the SC and the cohesin complex. A genetic interaction between yem1 (V478E) and the Spo11 homologue mei-W68, added to a yem1 dominant effect on crossover distribution suggest an early role in meiotic recombination. This is further supported by the impact of yem mutations on DSB kinetics. Hira mutant showed a similar effect presumably through disruption of HIRA-YEM complex.


The Company of Biologists


Cell Biology

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