Cdc42 acts downstream of Bazooka to regulate neuroblast polarity through Par-6–aPKC


Atwood Scott X.1,Chabu Chiswili2,Penkert Rhiannon R.1,Doe Chris Q.2,Prehoda Kenneth E.1


1. Institute of Molecular Biology and Department of Chemistry, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403, USA

2. Institute of Molecular Biology, Institute of Neuroscience, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403, USA


Cdc42 recruits Par-6–aPKC to establish cell polarity from worms to mammals. Although Cdc42 is reported to have no function in Drosophila neuroblasts, a model for cell polarity and asymmetric cell division, we show that Cdc42 colocalizes with Par-6–aPKC at the apical cortex in a Bazooka-dependent manner, and is required for Par-6–aPKC localization. Loss of Cdc42 disrupts neuroblast polarity: cdc42 mutant neuroblasts have cytoplasmic Par-6–aPKC, and this phenotype is mimicked by neuroblast-specific expression of a dominant-negative Cdc42 protein or a Par-6 protein that lacks Cdc42-binding ability. Conversely, expression of constitutively active Cdc42 leads to ectopic Par-6–aPKC localization and corresponding cell polarity defects. Bazooka remains apically enriched in cdc42 mutants. Robust Cdc42 localization requires Par-6, indicating the presence of feedback in this pathway. In addition to regulating Par-6–aPKC localization, Cdc42 increases aPKC activity by relieving Par-6 inhibition. We conclude that Cdc42 regulates aPKC localization and activity downstream of Bazooka, thereby directing neuroblast cell polarity and asymmetric cell division.


The Company of Biologists


Cell Biology







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