Increased levels of the Drosophila Abelson tyrosine kinase in nerves and muscles: subcellular localization and mutant phenotypes imply a role in cell-cell interactions


Bennett R.L.1,Hoffmann F.M.1


1. McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research, University of Wisconsin, Madison 53706.


Mutations in the Drosophila Abelson tyrosine kinase have pleiotropic effects late in development that lead to pupal lethality or adults with a reduced life span, reduced fecundity and rough eyes. We have examined the expression of the abl protein throughout embryonic and pupal development and analyzed mutant phenotypes in some of the tissues expressing abl. abl protein, present in all cells of the early embryo as the product of maternally contributed mRNA, transiently localizes to the region below the plasma membrane cleavage furrows as cellularization initiates. The function of this expression is not yet known. Zygotic expression of abl is first detected in the post-mitotic cells of the developing muscles and nervous system midway through embryogenesis. In later larval and pupal stages, abl protein levels are also highest in differentiating muscle and neural tissue including the photoreceptor cells of the eye. abl protein is localized subcellularly to the axons of the central nervous system, the embryonic somatic muscle attachment sites and the apical cell junctions of the imaginal disk epithelium. Evidence for abl function was obtained by analysis of mutant phenotypes in the embryonic somatic muscles and the eye imaginal disk. The expression patterns and mutant phenotypes indicate a role for abl in establishing and maintaining cell-cell interactions.


The Company of Biologists


Developmental Biology,Molecular Biology







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