The first intracellular loop of GLUT4 contains a retention motif


Talantikite Maya1,Berenguer Marion2,Gonzalez Teresa1,Alessi Marie Christine1,Poggi Marjorie1,Peiretti Franck1,Govers Roland12ORCID


1. Inserm U1062, INRA1260, Aix Marseille University, Faculty of Medicine, Marseille F-13385, France;

2. Inserm U895, Mediterranean Research Center for Molecular Medicine (C3M), Nice, F-06204, France


Glucose transporter GLUT4 plays a major role in glucose homeostasis and is efficiently retained intracellularly in adipocytes and myocytes. To simplify the analysis of its retention, various intracellular GLUT4 domains were fused individually to reporter molecules. Of the four short cytoplasmic loops of GLUT4, only the first nine-residue-long loop conferred intracellular retention of truncated forms of the transferrin receptor and CD4 in adipocytes. In contrast, the same loop of GLUT1 was without effect. The reporter molecules to which the first loop of GLUT4 was fused localized, unlike GLUT4, to the TGN, possibly explaining why these molecules did not respond to insulin. The retention induced by the GLUT4 loop was specific to adipocytes as it did not induce retention in preadipocytes. Of the SQWLGRKRA sequence that constitutes this loop, mutation of either the tryptophan or lysine residue abrogated reporter retention. Mutation of these residues individually into alanines in the full-length GLUT4 molecule resulted in a decreased retention for GLUT4-W105A. We conclude that the first intracellular loop of GLUT4 contains retention motif WLGRK, in which Trp105 plays a prominent role.


Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale

University of Aix-Marseille


The Company of Biologists


Cell Biology







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