Undoubtedly one of the factors that play a key role in the success of the organization is the activity of the groups of employees. To what extent and with which concepts the blue-collar and white-collar employees in these groups perceive the interaction within the group is important for organizational success. This study was designed to reveal the perspectives of blue-collar and white-collar employees on the concepts of group interaction through the reception analysis of the movie “12 Angry Men”. In the study carried out with 29 people, in-depth interviews were conducted and the results were analyzed. In this process, four phases defined by Denzin (2004) for organizing the analysis of films and television programs are taken into account. Considering the percentages of blue-collar employees in intragroup interaction categories, prejudice and leadership/minority effect are in the first place. When this result was compared with the reception percentages of the white-collar employees, it was seen that the first reception category of the white-collar employees was prejudice, and then the leadership/minority influence was equally group dynamics and decision making, culture and gender categories. While there is not a big difference in reception in the categories of adaption and aggression in the group interaction, the difference in the category of social cognition is quite large. Another result is the persuasion and imposition categories, where blue-collar employees in the persuasion category and white-collar employees in the imposition category seem to make more purchases. In the study, it was determined that the audience was very sensitive to the messages. The findings showed that the position studied plays a role in producing different meanings.
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