1. Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
2. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
The article substantiates author’s vision of the trends observed during digital transformation of entrepreneurship, which include digital development of priority areas of life, increasing flexibility and acceleration of business processes and their optimization, changing business values, development of digital infrastructure, use of new market opportunities, data operation, development of digital competencies and skills of citizens, digital strategy and digital culture, improved quality of service, digital partnership and cooperation, innovative opportunities for digital business development. The study found that high quality of digitization of business processes allow you to make a set of digital solutions in the field of software and automation. The essential characteristics of digital duplicates are determined, which offer tangible advantages in the functioning of digital entrepreneurship. Authors note that the ultimate goal of digital counterpart in the manufacturing industry is to create a closed feedback loop between virtual and real production through the use of the right digital infrastructure. The content of digital duplicates at new and operating enterprises is presented. An analysis of the experience of working in virtual reality during pandemic companies that are technology giants in terms of finding out the benefits and losses of virtualization and digitalization of their business.
Authors noted that in today’s conditions of virtual reality, the Government of Ukraine should pay attention to the negative trend in the real estate market. This trend is caused by restrictions on doing business in the traditional format, the transition to freelancing and the format of virtual reality. It is proved that the concept of digital transformation of entrepreneurship has three main advantages relevant to any type of business: improving the efficiency of existing infrastructure; emergence of qualitatively new business models; increase revenue or reduce costs in existing business models. The authors are convinced that there are three areas in which new digital technologies can be used in business: customer search; operational processes; business model.
Classic Private University
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