
Korobchuk Ulyana1,Frishko Inna1,Abramova Olga1


1. Energodar Institute of State and Municipal Management named after R. Khenokh of the Classical Private University


The first researches of the essence, structure, typology of the internal culture of organizations, as well as its effect on the results of economic activity, is in the late 70’s of the last century. However, this thematic area has not lost its relevance so far. Culture can be a tool to influence the actions of employees, provide a competitive advantage of the organization, and also act as the basis for the development and promotion of the corporate brand. Scientific works of many domestic and foreign authors are dedicated to the problems of researching the essence and structure of management culture. However, mostly the issues that are considered by scientists are related to the formation of theoretical concepts of management culture, the definition of its essence, the correlation with the organizational and corporate culture. At the same time, insufficient attention is paid to the development of practical tools for measuring its level. The purpose of the article is clarification of the essence of the concept of “management culture”, selection of its main elements and development of methodological tools for quantitative assessment of the management culture of modern organizations. The article gives a concretization of the essence of the concept of «management culture» and makes a differentiation between the concepts of management and organizational culture. Identified the main structural elements of managerial culture, which serve as criteria for quantitative measurement of its level. We have chosen for quantitative measurement of each element of management culture the methods of domestic and foreign authors, which provide for the calculation of coefficients or the provision of scores, which makes it possible to carry out calculations in a single measure. As a summarizing indicator we propose to use an integral coefficient, which considers the evaluation of each element of management culture and the corresponding weighting factor, which reflects the significance of a particular element in the overall assessment. The weighting factors are determined on the basis of the opinions of experts, which can be scientists, heads of organizations, and third-party consultants. The practical value of the developed method consists in the possibility of tracing the dynamics of changes in the quantitative characteristics of management culture over time, and also the diagnostics of the condition of each of its elements.


Classic Private University


General Medicine

Reference20 articles.

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