1. Institute of Social Sciences, Çankırı Karatekin University, Turkey
2. Faculty of Education, Harran University, Turkey
Researchers and policymakers have increasingly recognized the importance of studying diversity, equality, and inclusion in education. These studies can help identify how cultural values influence the learning outcomes of immigrants and inform evidence-based policymaking. This book chapter aims to scrutinize the diversity, equality, and inclusion practices in schools within the scope of Hofstede's cultural values in the sample of the countries participating in the TALIS 2018 survey. The sample consisted of 13,730 schools from 44 countries participating in both studies. The study found that only the masculinity dimension was negatively associated with teachers' diversity beliefs. The study found that DEI beliefs were in many points unrelated to Hofstede's cultural dimensions. Future research could explore multilevel models that include cultural dimensions and diversity and equality beliefs, as well as results from international assessments.
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