1. Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia
The present study examined the influence of social factors on career self-efficacy among technical students in Malaysia. This research implemented cross-sectional data with the ordinary least square analysis method. The sample consisted of 500 students from five technical vocational institutions in Terengganu, Malaysia. The sample was selected using a random sampling technique. The data were analyzed descriptively using mean and percentage alongside the inference analysis based on correlation. The results revealed that family income had a positive relationship with career self-efficacy. The study revealed that two courses, a diploma in external structure engineering and a certificate in plan drawing, positively correlate with career self-efficacy. Social factors, such as the training place, the number of households, and gender, are proven unrelated to career self-efficacy. These findings can guide an institution to improve students' career self-efficacy. Further studies are required to strengthen the findings of this study.