Black Death



Epidemics have constituted a problem for humanity throughout history because they not only affect the individuals they infect, but the entire society in many ways. In fact, the plague epidemic, which started in 1347 and is called the Black Death, caused the death of millions of people and it became the biggest fear of the society, deeply affecting the society in a psychological way. Black Death has been the greatest threat for humanity, causing the death of about 40% of European population. As a result, the world's social structure has changed completely. Even after these events were resolved, its impact on people continued for a long period of time. Before and after the epidemic, the transition from grain to livestock, from economic consumption to luxury consumption, especially with regards to food consumption in Europe, and the food prescriptions used to prevent the epidemic underline the importance of gastronomy for humanity even in this tragic period.


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Reference47 articles.

1. AdamsonM. W. (2004). Food in Medieval Times. Greenwood Press.

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4. Plague and Lethal Epidemics in the Pre-Industrial World

5. Selçuklular Zamanında Anadolu’da Veba Salgınları.;F. Ş.Arık;Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Tarih Bölümü Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi,1991







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