1. Cebu Technological University, Philippines
This study investigates the technology adoption of raspberry pi-powered learning management system (RPP-LMS) in the post-pandemic educational landscape. Extending the UTAUT2 model, the authors integrate institutional adoption and academic support from the model of distance education. The findings from analyzing 302 distance education participants reveal significant relationships between various constructs, including performance expectancy, effort expectancy, habit, and academic support, and their impact on adopting RPP-LMS. Notably, Habit emerges as a critical determinant, significantly influencing use behavior. Moreover, this study explains the moderating effects of age and gender on these relationships, providing valuable insights into demographic disparities in technology adoption. The authors propose a tailored technology deployment plan that offers practical strategies for educators, administrators, and policymakers to optimize distance learning experiences and promote the effective integration of technology in the aftermath of global disruptions.
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