1. University of Bucharest, Romania & The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania
2. Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Ecuador & Observatorio Euromediterráneo de Espacio Público y Democracia, Ecuador
Investigating the unprecedented and not yet fully known impact of artificial intelligence (AI) for business sustainability in digital ecosystem implicates acknowledging and reshaping the pivotal role played by the environmental social governance (ESG) framework used to assess efficiency, performance, and international strategies in terms of business practices. What is more, achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by benefiting from guidance from ESG, as well as intelligence demonstrated by computers, may present both opportunities and risks, depending on the perspectives taken into consideration. Furthermore, building a culture of sustainability and developing successful sustainable business models have the amazing power of fostering climate justice, restoring damaged ecosystems, and developing action plans capable of offering immediate responses to climate change. Can individuals' quality of life and standards of living boost the overall well-being of societies when businesses are becoming more sustainable? Are the global living standards moving in the right direction?