1. WSG University, Poland
2. Istanbul Arel University, Turkey
3. National Technical University of Ukraine, Ukraine
The purpose of this research is to investigate the interaction between intercultural sensitivity, ethnocentrism, and social media use by using structural equality modeling method. To this end, the survey was designed by using intercultural sensitivity, ethnocentrism, and social media data scales available in the literature. The expressions in the survey were translated and re-translated by two foreign language teachers. Then, the two translations obtained were applied to a test group of 20 people, and the most accurate translation was used to collect data by easy sampling method. Data were calculated for verifier factor analysis through SPSS for Windows 22.00 and Amos 22.0 and Cronbach's Alpha. Average variety extracted (AVE) and composite reliability (CR) values were also calculated. In addition, the effects mediated by structural equality modeling were also analyzed in the Amos program using the bootstrap method.