1. YAKKUM Emergency Unit, Indonesia
Disasters and climate change have gender-neutral impacts, often resulting in unfulfilled rights and needs for women and at-risk communities. To strengthen community resilience, 34 grassroots women's organizations in Yogyakarta strengthened their capacity in disaster management, starting with community risk mapping using participatory vulnerability and capacity assessments (PVCA). Women's leadership in disaster risk reduction (DRR) is demonstrated in local collective movements, such as the Family Welfare Program, Women's Farmer Groups, and Waste Bank Groups. Women's groups have secured programs in the planning discussion, such as scaling up of women's farmer groups, procurement of agricultural and plantation seeds, and funding for operational health activities. By demonstrating expertise on resilience actions, these groups have established partnerships with village related institutions as well as contributed in achieving Sendai Framework for DRR and SDGs for a more resilient community.