Thirty Years of Digital Technologies in the Field of Cultural Heritage


Dogruer Fatma Sezin1


1. Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Turkey


Digital technologies promoted innovation and proposed unprecedented opportunities to the sectors, one of which is cultural heritage. There are many benefits of digitization such as rapid access of data, cost-effectiveness according to benefit and loss assessment in a long term, and rapid identification of cultural heritage and risks. This study is the comprehensive bibliometric analysis that ensures statistical and all-embracing understanding in the digital technologies in cultural heritage literature, which was carried out in Web of Science between 1993 and 2022. The study is expected to spur scholars to perform more studies on digital technologies in cultural heritage. The analysis embodied 1826 publications written by 200 authors from 98 countries. Italy produced 24.20% of the world's publications on digital technologies in cultural heritage, which has the highest number of publications with 442 documents. The most used keywords in this literature are cultural heritage, virtual reality, and augmented reality.


IGI Global

Reference27 articles.

1. G20 Ministers of Culture. (2023). Outcome Document and Chair’s Summary. G20 Development Ministerial Meeting Varanasi.

2. 3D modeling of the Weary Herakles statue with a coded structured light system.;D.Akça;IAPRS,2006

3. Anadolu Ajansı. (2023). Hitit tabletleri yapay zeka ile analiz ediliyor.

4. bibliometrix : An R-tool for comprehensive science mapping analysis

5. Arkeolojik Haber. (2023). Çin Seddi yapay zeka ile restore edilecek.







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