Economic Perspectives


Jhansy Avula1,Oladri Renuka1,Priya Bodapatla Sindhu1,Saripalli Bhanu Prakash1


1. Woxsen University, India


Managing electronic trash (or “e-waste”) offers both opportunities and challenges in the modern era. There are excellent opportunities for recycling and recovering valuable resources via good management as electronic devices and technology use grow. Lowering the demand for new materials and increasing employment possibilities in the recycling and waste management sectors can result in cost savings. But controlling e-waste can be difficult. Due to the toxic compounds, including lead and mercury, that are present in electronic gadgets, the immense amount of electronic consumption has the potential to overwhelm the waste management infrastructure that is already in place, causing environmental degradation. Adequate regulatory frameworks and efficient e-waste policy enforcement are essential to addressing the issues related to e-waste management. This study explored the potential and barriers to promoting sustainable practices to analyze the economic aspects of managing e-waste.


IGI Global

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