1. Lusofona University, Portugal
Tourism development is closely related to global development. Knowledge of people, history and language, and the transmission of culture are at the heart of modern management and planning paradigms. Tourism consumption and consumer trends are increasingly intelligent and are driving the demand for personalized experiences, so that it can differ from the typical experiences enjoyed by the global population. The world keeps changing at an overwhelming speed, and with globalization based on sustainable competitiveness, it will be one of the pillars that will guide the future of global tourism. The aim of this study is to provide a synthesis, with a perspective on the future, with tourism development and predict what are the trends in the evolution of tourism. This study was developed through a literature review, with the complement of research tools, based on analysis of consumer behaviors. Methodologically, 103 valid responses were obtained using an online questionnaire as a data tool. Then, they are processed and analyzed in order to obtain results from which attributes are fundamental to characterize Portuguese tourists and EH (Hospitality establishments). Based on the results, expectations regarding the future of accommodation are established. Factors such as: personalization and technology are key factors for this market segment. Given the conclusions of this methodology, there is a need to invest globally in strategy, promotion and innovation at the hotel level. These results show the importance of the internet when tourists plan to book accommodation, and when considering the most important attributes for decision making, factors such as: quality of service and availability stand out. It also concludes that technology and personalization are the areas that create greater consumer expectations for the future of EH in Portugal. In this sense, hotel units cannot limit themselves only to the “sale of rooms”, so an innovative and personal experience is needed, focused on each consumer. Tourists seek the technological factor to improve the quality of service and to enhance their overall experiences and satisfaction. Key-words: Tourism; Trends of the Future; Consumer Habits