1. Chandigarh University, India
One common geographical classification for tourist activities. This study offers new perspectives on the advancement of the mass tourism area through bibliometric analysis utilizing the Scopus database. Two hundred and twenty publications, published between 1977 and 2024, formed the basis of this analysis. The topic's novelty and the variety of journals that have researched it demonstrate that mass tourism has garnered attention from various perspectives. With the use of affiliation statistics, the most prominent authors and powerful works, and the top publishing journals, bibliometric analysis describes the research field. Co-citation relationships and the historical development of keywords are shown using network studies. Since the topic has not yet reached a mature stage, the results state that it will continue to draw further research. By reviewing studies on mass tourism, this article adds to the existing body of knowledge. In a world that is always evolving, this analysis also identifies the top researchers, keywords, and citations in the field.