1. Karpagam College of Pharmacy, India
The human body is composed of millions of tiny cells, and each a self-contained living unit. Normal cells in the body grow and divide for a period of time and then stop growing and reproduce themselves as necessary to replace defective or dying cells. Cancer occurs when abnormal cellular reproduction process proceeds out of control. The abnormal growth and division of cells observed in cancer cells are caused by damage in these cells' DNA. The cellular DNA can become damaged and defective. As cancer cells divide and replicate themselves, they often form into a clump of cancer cells known as a tumour and cause the symptoms of cancer by destroying surrounding non-cancerous cells. Cancer treatment includes surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, biological therapy, hormone therapy, etc. Chemotherapy causes an array of traumatic side effects which includes sleep disturbance, appetite loss, hair loss, sore mouth, changes in taste, fever and infection, anxiety, depression, nausea, and vomiting.