1. University of Ibadan, Nigeria
The use of whole plants and/or floral parts as natural therapeutic agents in the management and treatment of various communicable and non-communicable diseases and prevention of diseases causative organisms in humans and animals, has increased globally making it the current focus of scientific research in health and pharmacology. There is plethora of plants in Nigeria which have been successfully used in the treatment and or management of cancer, dental caries, and helminthiasis. Although many of them remained to be scientifically validated for their efficacies and active ingredients, however, experimental research geared towards identifying and characterizing active phytochemicals of ethnobotanicals in Nigeria is increasing in recent times. This will enhance validation of the claim of their efficacies and may establish mechanisms of their therapeutic actions. This chapter presents review of reports on plants from Nigeria that have been successfully used in the treatment and or management of cancer, dental caries, and helminthiasis.