

Nayak Roopashree1ORCID,S. Pavanalaxmi1ORCID,M. Praveen Kumar1ORCID


1. Sahyadri College of Engineering and Management, Mangaluru, India


Mobile networks play a crucial role in facilitating communication through the transmission and reception of radio wave signals. These networks are composed of interconnected cells provided by base stations, enabling wide geographic coverage. The evolution of mobile networks has progressed through several stages. It began with the analog-based first-generation systems that provided basic voice communication. The current phase is the fifth generation, which aims to deliver exceptional performance with faster speeds, low latency, and connectivity density. Ongoing research and development continue to shape the evolution of mobile networks, with technologies like 6G on the horizon, promising even faster speeds and transformative use cases. The network infrastructure for 5G and 6G plays a crucial role in enabling the capabilities and delivering the promised benefits of these advanced wireless communication technologies. The industry applications of 5G and the anticipated applications of 6G are diverse and have the potential to revolutionize various sectors.


IGI Global

Reference23 articles.

1. Revolution or Evolution? Technical Requirements and Considerations towards 6G Mobile Communications

2. Framework for Future Telemedicine Planning and Infrastructure using 5G Technology

3. Precision Agriculture and Sensor Systems Applications in Colombia through 5G Networks

4. Arshad, Q. K. U. D., Kashif, A. U., & Quershi, I. M. (2019, January). A review on the evolution of cellular technologies. In 2019 16th International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences and Technology (IBCAST) (pp. 989-993). IEEE.

5. 6G mobile communication technology: Requirements, targets, applications, challenges, advantages, and opportunities.;M.Banafaa;Alexandria Engineering Journal,2022








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