1. Faculty of Computer Studies, Arab Open University (AOU), Oman & Computer Science Department, Minia University, Egypt
This chapter delves deep into the issue of user authentication in the environment of the internet of things (IoT) and industrial internet of things (IIoT). It's a journey defined by security implications, presented trends, and analyzed conventional practices, all of which set the stage for further examination. The authors explore the challenges and limitations of involving user authentication in the context of interacting ecosystems, and then they dive into the exciting world of the latest advancements aimed at ensuring higher security and privacy. These include blockchain-based tools, multi-modal authentication, and zero-trust paradigms. Also, they navigate the legislative landscape, provide compliance recommendations, and provide relevant tips for the establishment of strong authentication practices. Through captivating case studies and real-world applications, they draw a clear picture of the importance of user authentication in safeguarding IoT and IIoT systems against evolving cyber threats.