Technical Challenges Faced in Designing Frameworks for AI-Based Earth Monitoring Systems


T. Gnanasekaran1ORCID,G. Nirmala2,N. Hariharan3,S. Rajakumar4


1. Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, R.M.K. Engineering College, Chennai, India

2. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, R.M.D. Engineering College, Chennai, India

3. Science and Humanities (General Engineering division), R.M.K. Engineering College, Chennai, India

4. Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Panimalar Engineering College, India


In an era defined by unprecedented advancements in technology, AI-based Earth monitoring systems have emerged as transformative tools for understanding and safeguarding our planet. This chapter navigates through the intricacies of AI-based Earth monitoring systems, from the critical technical challenges of data integration, quality, and availability to the crucial interdisciplinary collaborations that hold the key to their success. Improving an AI-based Earth tracking system affords quite a number of particular technical demanding situations. Data integration stands out as a pivotal technical challenge. Addressing data integration, quality, and availability, as well as communication gaps, is critical for their success. When it comes to implementing this device inside the actual world, the scalability of the device and capability protection dangers ought to be addressed. Therefore, designing a framework for an AI-based earth-tracking system requires successfully resolving a diffusion of technically demanding situations.


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