Quantum Computing Smart Grids


Sharma Rashmi1,Patel Zalak1,Ganatra Miloni2


1. Indus University, Ahmedabad, India

2. Indus University, Ahmadabad, India


Throughout the past few decades, the electricity system's condition has evolved. The power grid has recently experienced a number of difficulties and problems. With power outages, grid failures, and a lack of smart technology on the one hand, and rising security risks on the other, there is a daily rise in the demand for electrical energy. These problems cannot be solved by the current electricity grid. Because of its key characteristics, the internet of things (IoT) has expanded quickly in a very short period of time. We can improve the conventional grid's efficiency, capacity, dependability, sustainability, scalability, and stability by integrating IoT into the electrical grid. The myriad issues that are present in smart grids are solved by using the IoT. Security concerns have been recognized as one of the main drawbacks with IoT enabled smart grid (SG) systems, according to the most recent research. The numerous security applications and elements of integrating the IoT with smart grids are reviewed in this chapter, along with various frameworks in the era of quantum computing.


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