Offering Flexible Work Arrangements and Remote Work Policies


Javed Hasnain1


1. University of South Asia, Pakistan


This chapter finds answers for three key questions: Are remote working arrangement and flexi-hour practices a permanent organizational feature? What is the impact of this new way of working on a workplace, employee engagement, and retention? What are the key features of flexible work arrangements and remote work policies? Companies that offer remote or hybrid working models need to make sure that they develop and implement a comprehensive policy document that covers all aspects of working from home. This will help employees understand what is expected of them and help the company avoid any potential disputes or misunderstandings.


IGI Global

Reference9 articles.

1. Managing a virtual workplace

2. ElshaiekhN. E. M. (2018). The impacts of remote working on workers performance. In 2018 international Arab conference on information technology (ACIT). IEEE.

3. Ferreira, J. (2020). Remote Working and the Platform of the Future. Boston Consulting Group.

4. Remote Work and Employment Dynamics under COVID-19: Evidence from Canada

5. Hickman, A. (2020). How to Build Trust and Boost Productivity Within Remote Teams. Retrieved from Gallup: https://www. gallup. com/workplace/316931/build-trust







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