1. College of Computer and Information Sciences, Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia
2. University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan
3. Abasyn University, Pakistan
4. College of Computer and Information Sciences, Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, Pakistan
This chapter explains various facial identification algorithms used in drones. The burgeoning field of face recognition technology makes use of image processing to identify faces in people. Face recognition is becoming increasingly popular for a variety of reasons, such as the growing population, which necessitates higher security and surveillance systems, identity verification in the digital age, combat in rural regions, disaster relief, and so forth. This research compares and contrasts various face identification techniques, including neural networks, PCA, LBPH (local binary pattern histogram), PAL, capsule network, and LDA (linear discriminant analysis). Additionally, a comparison of face datasets collected with drones is included in this chapter. The results of this study will help facial recognition technologists design a hybrid algorithm that meets the requirements of real-time applications.