1. University of Calgary, Canada
2. Wuhan University of Technology, China
Trees are one of the most fundamental and widely used non-linear hierarchical structures of linked nodes. A binary tree (B-Tree) is a typical balanced tree where the fan-out of each node is at most two known as the left and right children. This paper develops a comprehensive design pattern of formal trees using the B-Tree architecture. A rigorous denotational mathematics, Real-Time Process Algebra (RTPA), is adopted, which allows both architectural and behavioral models of B-Trees to be rigorously designed and implemented in a top-down approach. The architectural models of B-Trees are created using RTPA architectural modeling methodologies known as the Unified Data Models (UDMs). The physical model of B-Trees is implemented using the left and right child nodes dynamically created in memory. The behavioral models of B-Trees are specified and refined by a set of Unified Process Models (UPMs) in three categories namely the management operations, traversal operations, and node I/O operations. This work has been applied in a number of real-time and nonreal-time system designs such as a real-time operating system (RTOS+), a general system organization model, and the ADT library for an RTPA-based automatic code generator.