Toward Automatic Answers in User-Interactive Question Answering Systems


Hao Tianyong1,Xu Feifei1,Lei Jingsheng1,Wenyin Liu2,Li Qing2


1. Shanghai University of Electric Power, China

2. City University of Hong Kong, China


A strategy of automatic answer retrieval for repeated or similar questions in user-interactive systems by employing semantic question patterns is proposed in this paper. The used semantic question pattern is a generalized representation of a group of questions with both similar structure and relevant semantics. Specifically, it consists of semantic annotations (or constraints) for the variable components in the pattern and hence enhances the semantic representation and greatly reduces the ambiguity of a question instance when asked by a user using such pattern. The proposed method consists of four major steps: structure processing, similar pattern matching and filtering, automatic pattern generation, question similarity evaluation and answer retrieval. Preliminary experiments in a real question answering system show a precision of more than 90% of the method.


IGI Global

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