1. Megatrend University Belgrade, Serbia
2. Institute for Field and Vegetables Crops, Serbia
Nitrogen is the key element of yield and the most limiting factor in achieving high yields. Nitrogen fertilization is specific because mineral nitrogen, the available form of nitrogen for the plant in the soil, is on one hand subject to leaching losses due to its mobility in the soil and denitrification, and on the other hand to the content increase due to mineralization of soil organic matter. To encourage more intensive adoption of atmospheric nitrogen in nitrogen-fixing, the presence of cobalt and molybdenum is necessary. Molybdenum is required for the binding of atmospheric nitrogen by Azotobacter and plays an important role in the fixation of N2. Legumes treated with molybdenum have a larger amount of fixed nitrogen. Cobalt is relevant to the process of biological fixation of molecular nitrogen. The role of cobalt in biological fixation of molecular nitrogen is specific, and it cannot be replaced in the process by other trace elements. Inoculation of soybean seed with microbiological fertilizer and seed treatment with cobalt and molybdenum, as well as the use of corn crop fertilization with different doses of nitrogen, has a different impact on the yield and properties of soybeans.