1. Universitas Budi Luhur, Indonesia
2. USBI – Sampoerna University, Indonesia
Water meter reader is an essential tool for water company, which is responsible for the distribution of clean water to the public and monitor its customer's water consumption. Theoretically water meter should collect water consumption data in accurate and accountable manners. The problem is, in practice, sometimes the record is inaccurate and makes the customers feel uncertain of the water bill that they have to pay. Several factors contributed to this problem, including the officers made mistake in recording the number from water meter or sometimes the officer did not visit the customers and reporting based on the estimation of the water consumption. This chapter proposed a framework to record the water meter data by capturing images in a small mobile device. A prototype, as a proof of concept, of water meter mobile apps was developed to allow the water meter data to read and collected easily to make the billing processed in a more accurate manner but less hassle.