1. Süleyman Demirel University, Turkey
A boundary value problem for the second order differential equation -y′′+∑_{m=0}N−1λ^{m}q_{m}(x)y=λ2Ny with two boundary conditions a_{i1}y(0)+a_{i2}y′(0)+a_{i3}y(π)+a_{i4}y′(π)=0, i=1,2 is considered. Here n>1, λ is a complex parameter, q0(x),q1(x),...,q_{n-1}(x) are summable complex-valued functions, a_{ik} (i=1,2; k=1,2,3,4) are arbitrary complex numbers. It is proved that the system of eigenfunctions and associated eigenfunctions is complete in the space and using elementary asymptotical metods asymptotic formulas for the eigenvalues are obtained.