1. Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur, India
Organizations striving in today's environment of active technological and business transformations are confronted with the difficulties of “twofoldness,” that is, performing efficiently in the present while innovating effectively for the future. Administrators inside these organizations not only have to concentrate on the business benefit and profitability of each of their authorized commodities and services but must also guarantee their ability to introduce into next-generation contributions that output properties that will maintain and even enhance their renewed global competitiveness. The surprisingly fast breakdown of so many probably great companies over the last decade gives an extensive declaration to the consequence of accomplishing this dualism. In this chapter, to deal with this dualism, the authors consider a fuzzy stochastic bi-level programming problem in the mathematical models. The fuzziness and randomness concept has been taken care of by the fuzzy random variable as the parameter of the bi-level programming problem. A two-stage approach has been defined to solve the problem.