1. Bellevue University, USA
Recruiting qualified adjuncts takes time and resources. Adjuncts need instructional, curricular, and professional support same as full-time professors receive. Putting a concerted effort into the onboarding (care) and training (feeding) of new staff members improves performance and retention. The purpose of this chapter is to give information that may reinforce what you are already doing for your adjuncts or may prompt you to think about your onboarding processes to improve how adjuncts are supported in their roles. The information is intended to be useful for administrators, deans, and program directors, as well as adjuncts themselves. Adjuncts might need to be advocates for their own sake—asking for professional development; becoming involved in activities; or seeking classroom support, training, and recognition. This chapter includes descriptions of onboarding practices and professional development efforts at various universities and provides comments from individuals describing their personal experiences as adjunct faculty members.