1. Suleyman Demirel University, Turkey
Creating and updating meal tags, printing them on small-sized papers raise the costs, cause workload and affect the service quality negatively at the hotels with all-you-can-eat buffet system. Over the last few years, we have seen that many hotels started to make use of tablets to improve the service quality, decrease the costs, provide customers ability to order foods, make reservations, manage their rooms, etc. Going paperless and including more features by adopting new technologies increase the quality of service, help customer's and staff's decision-making processes more effective, improve customer and service personnel experience. In this chapter, authors designed and developed a flexible, cost effective, easy-to-use, customer-friendly and staff oriented paperless buffet management system for the restaurants that have all-you-can-eat buffet. Through this system, they aimed to achieve enhanced customer service, increased efficiency and customer satisfaction; save time, paper and printing costs; provide environmental benefits and efficient buffet management.