1. University of Windsor, Canada
2. Université de Moncton, Canada
3. St. Augustine University of Tanzania, Tanzania
This chapter contains findings related to social aspects of digital activities of youth. Computers, mobile devices, and the Internet are increasingly used in everyday social practices of youth, requiring competencies that are largely still not being taught in schools. To thrive in the digital era, youth need to competently use digital tools and define, access, understand, evaluate, create, and communicate digital information. Being able to develop perceptions of, and respect for, social norms and values for functioning in the digital world, without compromising one's own privacy, safety, or integrity is also important. After addressing the social prospects of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) use among youth, this chapter describes their online behavior through the paradoxical nature of the Internet (i.e., providing opportunities for social development vs. introducing risks). Educators and youth services are advised to consider these factors in designing flexible, innovative, and inclusive programs for young people that use ICT.