Educational Ontology Development


Kaya Galip1,Altun Arif2


1. Havelsan Inc., Turkey

2. Hacettepe University, Turkey


Ontology use in education environments can be explained in three groups: content access and/or retrieval, content creation, and personalization. Use of ontologies helps content creators to design, develop online courses; provide smart searches and content suggestions; and, design personalized learning environments for learners. But it is not always possible for educators to find the best ontology for their needs in their Learning Management System. Since the ontology creation is a complex process, it might not be always easy or even possible to create an ontology for a selected domain and use accordingly. In this paper, first, a review of state-of-the art literature regarding the ontologies in educational domain will be reviewed. Second, the challenges and difficulties in ontology development process for educational domain will be addressed and explained in detail. Finally, design suggestions to the difficulties expressed in the literature and further opportunities in ontology design and development will be presented taking the existing ontology evaluation frameworks into account.


IGI Global

Reference52 articles.

1. Ontologies in E-learning: Review of the literature.;M.Al-Yahya;Int. J. Softw. Eng. Appl,2015

2. Allert, H., Markannen, H., & Richter, C. (2006, October). Rethinking the use of ontologies in learning. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Learner-Oriented Knowledge Management and KM-Oriented Learning (LOKMOL 06), in conjunction with the First European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning (ECTEL 06) (pp. 115-125).

3. Ontological Support for Web Courseware Authoring

4. Baader, F., & Nutt, W. (2003, January). Basic description logics. In Description logic handbook (pp. 43-95). Academic Press.

5. Experiments on pattern-based ontology design

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