This chapter considers the modeling of RPAS/Aircraft data transmission via channels based on IEEE 802.16 standard. RPAS communication channel with a fading was analyzed using original model. Dependencies of a SNR in ground receiver on a SNR in downlink for different types of RPAS amplifier nonlinearity were obtained. Signals constellations of received signals were compared for different Doppler shifts. The influence of the aircraft transmitter nonlinearity for different types of fading in the channel was studied using “80216dstbc Rayleigh,” “80216dstbc Rician,” “80216d Rayleigh,” and “80216d Rician” models. The possibility of the nonlinearity correction using pre-distortion was revealed. The impact of space-time diversity (MISO 2x1) for different types of fading in the channels was investigated. The effect of the Doppler's frequency shift on the operation of communication channels was analyzed.