Olympic and Paralympic Games Project Structure and Governance


Alcântara de Lima Fabiano de1ORCID,Pereira Leandro2ORCID,Santos José3ORCID,Lopes da Costa Renato1,Dias Álvaro4ORCID


1. ISCTE, Lisbon University Institute, Portugal

2. ISCTE, Lisbon University Institute, Portugal & Winning LAB, Portugal

3. ISCTE, Lisbon University Institute, Portugal & Winning LAB, Portugal

4. Universidade Lusófona, Portugal & ISCTE, Lisbon University Institute, Portugal


The Olympic and Paralympic Games is a megaproject that involves huge investment and time effort from public and private entities to take place, which has been facing issues to find host candidate cities recently. This paper focus on the private side of the megaproject and discuss the Organizing Committee for Olympic Games (OCOG) project governance and structure taking advantage of Rio2016 case to detail project phases, reporting and governance structures. The paper presents the OCOG as a single purpose entity (SPE) and uses Rio2016 as a case study. A multi-method qualitative research was conducted to understand OCOG project environment and particularities. The role and participation of International Olympic Committee (IOC) in OCOG daily life could be improved to support the pressure for Games cost reduction, as well as, to increase the Games hosting attractiveness. This work contributes for the Olympic Games project environment understanding by future OCOGs


IGI Global


Management of Technology and Innovation,Information Systems and Management,Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management,Strategy and Management,Communication,Management Information Systems

Reference44 articles.

1. Going for the Gold: The Economics of the Olympics

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4. Comitê Organizador dos Jogos Olímpicos e Paralímpicos Rio 2016. (2013). Rio 2016 Exercício Da Instalação-Modelo : Relatório Do Kick-Off : Junho 2013 / Comitê Organizador Dos Jogos Olímpicos E Paralímpicos Rio 2016. Retrieved from https://library.olympic.org/Default/search.aspx#/Detail/(query:(Id:'75_OFFSET_0',Index:76,NBResults: 89,PageRange:3,SearchQuery: (CloudTerms!(),ExceptTotalFacet!t,FacetFilter:'%7B%22_299%22: %22Portuguese%22,%22_238%22:%22Summer%20Olympic%20Games.%20Organi

5. Comitê Paralímpico Brasileiro. (2019). Início. Retrieved January 10, 2019, from https://www.cpb.org.br/inicio

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